Customized LED Light line
L901 Circular outdoor LED for Spain
LED Bendable Aluminum Channel is specially designed for Flexible LED Strip Lights and can be well reshaped in applications such as curved ceilings, Camper van, motor home , or caravan etc. Innomax mini light line L106 is such a kind of benable LED light light for this countless possibility to design the lighting to fit around curved surface and panel.
L902 Ellipse shape LED light for Austra
Aug. 2022, Delivered full set of Ellipse shape LED light ( made up of 4 ellipses in different size) for a theatre in Viena, Austra. Pre-bent polycarbonate cover fit well with the bent aluminum profiles. The biggist ellipse size: 12370mm ( long asix) X 7240mm ( short asix)